We’re delighted to announce that our online shop is now open! You are able to order The Hat Game and a full set of spare and replacement parts directly from us.
Same day dispatch using Royal Mail is only £3 per order, with an upgrade to Royal Mail First Class for just £1.00 extra. We’re offering free delivery for all orders over £20 excluding shipping.
The Spinning Poodle Online Store Is Now Open!
Online Shop Now Open!
We’re delighted to announce that our online shop is now open! You are able to order The Hat Game and a full set of spare and replacement parts directly from us.
Same day dispatch using Royal Mail is only £3 per order, with an upgrade to Royal Mail First Class for just £1.00 extra. We’re offering free delivery for all orders over £20 excluding shipping.
Click here to visit our online shop.
The Perfect Game to Beat Those Lockdown Blues!
The Hat Game is the perfect low-tech entertainment for Covid Christmas.